Para's Peculiar Paradigms

o/~ Life's a show and we all play a part, and when the music starts we open up our's alright if some things turn out wrong, we sing a happy song, and you can sing along...o/~

Sunday, December 26, 2004


Not sure what Kwanza is all about, but I am a self sufficient internet resourcer, so I should find out. I am cooking chicken con pollo and spaeztle for some friends tonight, I do hope it turns out. If not I can alwyas use regular pasta. Moving on...

In a blog dated 10/27/2004 I wrote...

Well, only two more full moons until Christmas. Well, technically one...then we have Christmas and the day after we have a full moon and I have an odd feeling about it.

Hrmm... VERY Interesting...on another board I wrote the following dated 11/20/2004...

I seek guidance on a message I received near the equinox, about a great shift that will take place near the first full moon after the solstice.


The only reason I making a stink about it is that a great shift DID take place today off the coast of India in the form of an 8.9 earthquake, which killed 4800 people with the massive tsunamis. What else will happen today? I will only wonder.

o/~ From where i stand, you are home free - the planets align so rare, there's promise in the air, and I'm guiding you o/~ - Magic - Xanadu

Wednesday, December 15, 2004


I passed yet another term of the master's program. I got A's in Currisulum design and Music Methods, and a B+ in Human Relations, and on my Action Researtch Class I was successful in getting a 'B'. So now I can relax somewhat during the holiday break and not worry about not passing.

o/~ There's a roiad you take and a road less taken, the choice is up to you my friend o/~

Sunday, December 12, 2004

A Flock of Wild Turkeys

I called them a gang once and my friend and I laughed. I am out in the boonies, and it is true now...once i have seen 24 wild turkeys....yes 24!...around my car, I know it's the boonies. As Piano Mama, pointed out at our "Blog Buddy"(tm) Party for Grumpy, there are plenty of boonies in Oregon.

Speaking of the party! We had a fabulous time, Piano Mama, Grumpy, Eponine, and Mo. We sta and had crackers with cheese and grapes (even on the same cracker, mmm). They all had wine, and I had a ginger ale. We played a fun board game and had a great time and we even video taped some of it. Then as the night roled along we decided to adjourn to the computer room and have peppermint ice cream, with chocolate sauce. This is when Mo called it a night and driffed off to dreamland. I explained a tutorial on how they can add links on thier blogs. Then Eponine had to leave. then Piano Mama and Grumpy and I played a fun game and then I left and went home to my own bed.

All in all I had fun, then I had to wake up way too early to play bells in church, for two services. THEN I had a rehearsal at 1pm for our concert at noon on tuesday. So then afte rthan I came up to the boonies and sat in the hot tub first. Finally, I sat here to write this. That's enough for now.

o/~ If you go out in the woods today, you're in for a big suprise, if you go out in the woods today you'd better go in disguise...o/~

Saturday, December 11, 2004

The Woods are just Trees, the Trees are Just Wood. I Have no Fear for No One Should.

THose lyrics always bothered me for a few reasons, yes, they are wood, and all but who knows what s lurking in the woods?

I am housesitting in the Boonies of southern oregon. It is really cold and dreary, and I am about to spend a few minutes in the hot tub. However at night, it is REALLY dark. I don't like it up here and they want me to do it again in a couple weeks. I might not be able to.

One more week at the high school, and we are doing secret santas, and I gave my person a bag of cookies and decorative napkins. I haven't any money to buy her anything so i have to be content wth taking things from the house. My house, not the one I am I am housesitting at.

To Meagan, Tanya, Erin, and Mike...see you at the "Blog Buddy"(tm) party tonight. I think if all of us re going to be "blog buddies"(tm) we shoudl have nicknames. I mean yeah we have Paragonia, tattyana, etc..but how about other nicknames, so when we type ou blogs, instead of me sayin Meagan said this, i can say...PianoMama said this. So we can come up with names for each other tonight, like in a hat and stuff. So in the future generations when they read the blogs they will be all mystified.

o/~ Down by the banks fo the hanky panky, whre the bullfrogs jump form banks to banksie with an eeps eips oops ops, heres where the lily does the big kerplop o/~

Thursday, December 09, 2004

Done Done Done Done!

*Happy Dance*

*Heavy Breathing from dancing Happily*

*Restful sigh after heavy breathing form dancing happily*

Okay, now that 'THAT" is over I can talk. SOU classes are over for the term. WOO!

oh and goto:


Saturday, December 04, 2004

3 Assignments away.

I am merely 3 assignments away from being done with fall term, well three HUGE assignments. A UBD Outline of a unit. (Basically a large scale master plan for a 2 week unit of teaching). a paper for Action Research, it is suuposed to be 15 pages but I will be lucky to squeeze out 10 and that is if I put each graph I made on 1 page each. Then I have my notebook for fredna, which is due monday. One of my finals for Human(e) Behavior is to take 3 hours for myself. Along with Eagle Point getting ready for performances. We took all 150 middle school kids to the festival of trees on friday, and I hope we didn't leave anyone there. They all sang fairly well and we ran out of lunches so my CT and I didn't eat.

Okay I am afraid now that I am slipping into a depression as we speak, or as I type. About an hour ago I was goignt o call everyone and cancel all my performances. One is with CTD on Friday night, I am singing Beauty School Dropout, from Grease. Last Night When We Were Young from Sweet and Su...err Hot, finally Happiness from You're a Good Man Charlie Brown. I know I will see Meagan and Tanya there.

I am performing We Shall Behold Him at a service on the 18th and getting $$ for that one. finally at the bell concert I am singing a neat arrangement of O Holy Night.

I guess I wasn't feeling well today, but at the bell rehearsal I had said something that I stopped playing bass bells for a reason and then tempers rose and I shut down and felt utterly worthless. So I am going to take the night to try and make myself feel better. I guess I can still do all this and then after the first of the year stop performing altogether. That sounds sad, to just stop.

Tanya, I am very happy you got to see wicked, I hope to go next summer.

o/~ I love my little rooster, and my roosetr loves me, I'm gonna love my little rooster near the green bay tree, my little rooster goes...cock-a-doodle, doodle-doo, doodle-doo o/~