A Flock of Wild Turkeys
I called them a gang once and my friend and I laughed. I am out in the boonies, and it is true now...once i have seen 24 wild turkeys....yes 24!...around my car, I know it's the boonies. As Piano Mama, pointed out at our "Blog Buddy"(tm) Party for Grumpy, there are plenty of boonies in Oregon.
Speaking of the party! We had a fabulous time, Piano Mama, Grumpy, Eponine, and Mo. We sta and had crackers with cheese and grapes (even on the same cracker, mmm). They all had wine, and I had a ginger ale. We played a fun board game and had a great time and we even video taped some of it. Then as the night roled along we decided to adjourn to the computer room and have peppermint ice cream, with chocolate sauce. This is when Mo called it a night and driffed off to dreamland. I explained a tutorial on how they can add links on thier blogs. Then Eponine had to leave. then Piano Mama and Grumpy and I played a fun game and then I left and went home to my own bed.
All in all I had fun, then I had to wake up way too early to play bells in church, for two services. THEN I had a rehearsal at 1pm for our concert at noon on tuesday. So then afte rthan I came up to the boonies and sat in the hot tub first. Finally, I sat here to write this. That's enough for now.
o/~ If you go out in the woods today, you're in for a big suprise, if you go out in the woods today you'd better go in disguise...o/~
Speaking of the party! We had a fabulous time, Piano Mama, Grumpy, Eponine, and Mo. We sta and had crackers with cheese and grapes (even on the same cracker, mmm). They all had wine, and I had a ginger ale. We played a fun board game and had a great time and we even video taped some of it. Then as the night roled along we decided to adjourn to the computer room and have peppermint ice cream, with chocolate sauce. This is when Mo called it a night and driffed off to dreamland. I explained a tutorial on how they can add links on thier blogs. Then Eponine had to leave. then Piano Mama and Grumpy and I played a fun game and then I left and went home to my own bed.
All in all I had fun, then I had to wake up way too early to play bells in church, for two services. THEN I had a rehearsal at 1pm for our concert at noon on tuesday. So then afte rthan I came up to the boonies and sat in the hot tub first. Finally, I sat here to write this. That's enough for now.
o/~ If you go out in the woods today, you're in for a big suprise, if you go out in the woods today you'd better go in disguise...o/~
At December 12, 2004 at 6:07 PM,
meagan said…
Oooh good use of the blog buddies(tm) secret names!
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