Para's Peculiar Paradigms

o/~ Life's a show and we all play a part, and when the music starts we open up our's alright if some things turn out wrong, we sing a happy song, and you can sing along...o/~

Saturday, December 11, 2004

The Woods are just Trees, the Trees are Just Wood. I Have no Fear for No One Should.

THose lyrics always bothered me for a few reasons, yes, they are wood, and all but who knows what s lurking in the woods?

I am housesitting in the Boonies of southern oregon. It is really cold and dreary, and I am about to spend a few minutes in the hot tub. However at night, it is REALLY dark. I don't like it up here and they want me to do it again in a couple weeks. I might not be able to.

One more week at the high school, and we are doing secret santas, and I gave my person a bag of cookies and decorative napkins. I haven't any money to buy her anything so i have to be content wth taking things from the house. My house, not the one I am I am housesitting at.

To Meagan, Tanya, Erin, and Mike...see you at the "Blog Buddy"(tm) party tonight. I think if all of us re going to be "blog buddies"(tm) we shoudl have nicknames. I mean yeah we have Paragonia, tattyana, etc..but how about other nicknames, so when we type ou blogs, instead of me sayin Meagan said this, i can say...PianoMama said this. So we can come up with names for each other tonight, like in a hat and stuff. So in the future generations when they read the blogs they will be all mystified.

o/~ Down by the banks fo the hanky panky, whre the bullfrogs jump form banks to banksie with an eeps eips oops ops, heres where the lily does the big kerplop o/~


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