Para's Peculiar Paradigms

o/~ Life's a show and we all play a part, and when the music starts we open up our's alright if some things turn out wrong, we sing a happy song, and you can sing along...o/~

Monday, August 30, 2004

Oh tell me why!

Okay 5 choirs split between two schools and Yearbook!!! Apparently I will know everything about yearbook once the year is over.


Sunday, August 29, 2004

MAT: Chapter 3

Chapter 1 as we remember started out with a grueling summer session of reading, writing, and presentations. Chapter 2 was a relaxing week and a half of rest and fun. Now...

The School Year Begins.

It all seemed innocent enough, as the break came to a close as quickly as it started an email came from the Teacher I would be working with. We spoke about what I could expect in the coming year and I was excited. After the meeting, I attended a workship with my fellow classmates and was excited to start this new chapter. As I sit here before my first day of student teaching I am slightly petrified of what to expect. However it starts, I am confident that it will be an experience I will never forget.


Thursday, August 19, 2004

Laundry is done!

Nuff said really....All my clothes are clean and either hung up or in the dresser. So I know exactly what I need when I go shopping.


Wednesday, August 18, 2004

Did I say Blahs?

Okay, I HAD the blahs, but I got my grades for my first term in grad school. I was scared and nervous all term. I needed a 3.0 to stay in the program due to probationary reasons. I got a 4.0!^infinity

I am still in shock and disbeleif, I passed, by some freak miracle I passed. Not only did I pass, I did well. Anyhow, now I think I can finally get on with my life, and call the school tomorrow and be all official now. WOW!

o/~ You'll be swell (da da da) You'll be great (da da da) Gonna have the whole world on a plate...starting here, starting now, honey everything's coming up roses! o/~


Tuesday, August 17, 2004

the Blahs

I want to know my grades! I know of one grade..and 'A' which is more than cool, but If I was just reassured that the other 3 grades are of that calibur I would be less stressed. I hate waiting. I still haven't touched my laundry, and as for the surprise party...didn't happen...entirely. I was sorta swept away by Tom and Sonya, we had a nice dinner, and then we sat in a hot tub and then bounded over to see i, robot. We laughed, and we saw a ton fo bat flying outside getting thier dinner.

THe rents got me an ice cream cake, mmmmmmmmm, very yummilicious. Today I had lunches with Ann, and that was nice to see her, then I cam home and blahed. I tried to play games and I tried a nap, and nothing. Perhaps I just need to take a hold of myself and shake myself silly until I come to my senses enough to do my laundry. Crystal has been lounging around all day and I think that she is bored too, though she seems purrfectly content to just lie around and be comfy anyhow.

I still haven't gotten the things I ordered from ebay and it is really starting to make me angry, I look for mail every day and then get doubly dissapointed when nothing comes.

I turned on the light, so perhaps that will motivate me to start getting my life in order. I hope the rest of the year isn't like this. Really though, if I start slipping into the swamps of saddness that will be the end of me, I know it.

I can look forward to camping though, sitting lazily on the beach without a care in the world, not worrying about driving home or anything, I can just get a chair, and a book or two and just sit on the beach listening to the waves even take a nap if I want to...I don't know.

I really have nothing I should be complaining about. I guess I am just in one of those blah moments.

o/~ ... o/~

I can't even think of a good music pathetic.

I am not even going to go into how much I want a STABLE DSL connection that just doesn't randomly STOP when I am in the middle of DOING THINGS!

see ya

Monday, August 16, 2004

Well, It's that day again!

31 years ago...go figure.

Well I didn't do laundry, but that is okay. I have stuff I need to do tomorrow. I need to drop off a card for Sonya, and then return the book to the library. I will, in fact, also take my car in for an oil change. Still no other plans for the big day. Mom said she would get me an ice cream log for my birthday cake. I am not that big on cakes, unless they have ice cream in them and are frozen.

Well, technically speaking my life doesn't suck as much as it did last year. this year I do have my degree and I am working towards a master's degree, and I am not the oldest one in the program, there are quite a few that are older than I. I don't have a job anymore which is kinda pathetic, but I do feel a bit freer.

Card of thr day:
The Source
This does make total sense as it boils down to it. In order for me to see and feel my inner strengths I need to look at myself from the inside and draw my power from that.

Sunday, August 15, 2004

Kings and Dragons dancing in the air.

Well, I still haevn't heard about the party that someone is going to surprise me with. I guess that would be the point of a surprise party. That I not know about it. On the same point No one has made any suspicious plans for me either. It is kinda weird having spent the last 4 weeks studying like crazy for it to be over so quickly. I am kinda mad at my ISP only because the DSL service is so unreliable. Next weekend though I will be camping with my two closest friends. In fact last night we had our own little party, with plenty of drinks and fun, and we saw AVP.

I did enjoy that time together, and I guess I finally am starting to relax and not stress for the first time in like a year. Sure I had moments that were less stressful than others, but next week I think I have 4 plans, one lunch date, I have to return a book to the library, play piano in church tomorrow, and then go camping. Usually I have 2-3+ things each day and try and juggle all of it.

I guess I should do laundry tomorrow.

Card Corner: (Every blog I write I will try and pull a card from the deck, I will post it and the meaning.)

Postponement - 4 of clouds (the mind)
This card can have some negative impacts, sure I can feel afraid to do something, or I can take this as a warning and not put things off any further. I think I definatley should do the laundry.

Wednesday, August 11, 2004


I am almost there...I feel really good now about the progress I have made in the last four weeks. I feel that if I can make it through this then I can do anything if I just put my mind to it. Wow, how enlightening.

Buh bye!

Monday, August 09, 2004

The final 3.

This has to have been the most amazing time in my of the most...I have had some amazing times in my life. I don't think I could name them all, but professionally this is really neat. Imagine having a dream, and then after a long time seeing it starting to come true.

So this program is interesting to say the least, and there are 3 days to go. 3 days before all the assignments are due, and the final is supposed to be in the box. Of course I need to do well, grad school is hard. The amazing thing is that I have been keeping up with the assignments and readings and papers. I have been focused and not letting the outside world bog me down. I do have some people who I need to thanks, M, D, T, S, and A. As well as the class that I have spent 7 hours a day, 4 days a week for the last 4 weeks. We all guage each other now, I was approched last Thursday by a group of them who actually made me feel so accepted into the fold.

I am not sure how the teachers perceive me, I'd rather not get into that and just be myself and have a great time for the next year. After this friday, Then things start up in September for 10.5 months of what can be either totrue, or am amazing ride.

I T ' S U P T O M E ! ! !


Sunday, August 08, 2004


How come procrastination is such a negavtive word if it starts with pro? I have pefected this skill, and feel that tonight I am doing well with it. I have a paper due tomorrow, as well as a comparison chart of school stadards with Oregon and other states, a periodical list, and to print up a handout for group approval for our presentation on tuesday.

Okay most of it is done and now that I am in a bit of a time crunch the paper is almost done, I have 2 1/2 solid pages of stuff written. So I am not worried about that, I am taking a break however. During charmed tonight I will give the paper to mom to proofread while I type up the handout and finish the comparison chart which needs to be posted by midnight as well as the perodical list. I am doing all my posting at once since while I have DSL I cannot connect to the school wensite for some reason, so I will do it with dialup all at once probably about 9 or 10.

Well break is over and I will do more typing now in order to get what I need done.


*UPDATE* 11pm...
Done! My goal was completed, and I even did an extra assignment I forgot about, and then I organized my coin-purse(aka bookbag). Ahhh now to relax and do more stuff tomorrow.

Saturday, August 07, 2004

What summer vacation?

Well, here I am, haven't done a blog in ooooh so many days, and not that anyone reads it, but I am going to post what has happened in the last 2 months.

June: rehearsal for Carousel (RMT, 2004) was tedious, as it usually was, lots fo rehearsals for Bells and then on top of that teaching the summer day camp, I felt like I was going to explode. My sister was also here with her sons and I never got to see any of them. It was work, rehearse, rehearse, drive, sleep. That was about it.

July: Less rehearsals, now in production Carousel went very well, some good crowds. First half was still teaching Drama and Music, and the kids did phenominal. Then I started grad school...4 week summer session that I need to do very well in or I am out!

August: Well here we are, 3 weeks into the program, and finals week! I have so many papers to write and books to read, but it has been a valuable learning experience. Assuming that I get my 3.0 in each class I start student teaching in Aug 30th with my full-day observations, I was told secretly that I will be at Eagle Point H.S. and that is very exciting for me. I am looking forward to it. I am also looking forward to getting financial aide in the fall since I quit my job at church (figured I would be too stressed, and I was right). My parents and cats have been very supportive of me in this program the past few weeks and so far it has been good. I seem to be doing very well, and barring any huge mistakes on my part it looks like I will pass.

Looking ahead though, it looks as if I will get a Summer vacation from August 13th to August 24th. I do an inserice with the local teachers on teh 25th get a 4 day weekend then I am in the classroom. I am rather excited and nervous about this as well. I would like to say that one of my friends (her name has been changed to protect her identity) Anyankah has been a tremendous help. She has been supportive and I appreciate all that she has done.

Finally, 31 on the 16th!

I get to go to the coast with some friends camping on the 21st and 22nd. That will be a treat.
