Para's Peculiar Paradigms

o/~ Life's a show and we all play a part, and when the music starts we open up our's alright if some things turn out wrong, we sing a happy song, and you can sing along...o/~

Tuesday, May 03, 2005


What is an Überstudy you ask? well that is an actor/actress that understudies all the main roles in a show. We came up with this term tonight at the band rehearsal for YAGMCB. One of the actresses was there and asked who would replace the lead of they couldn't perform...I said I would. "What about Schroeder?" I replied, "I would", and then I just said, "I will just replace the cast myself". Then without warning the drummer was clever and said you'd be an Überstudy.

So that is my thought for today...

73 days...